We are fighting to save our community from the multiple threats due to overdevelopment and lack of new infrastructure.

By joining us, you become an essential part of our organization’s efforts to protect our environment and scarce water resources in the Todos Santos, El Pescadero, and Las Playitas region.

Water Security: Your contribution supports efforts to address the pressing water crisis in Todos Santos. The Todos Santos aquifer is the town’s only water source and it is experiencing over-extraction, saltwater intrusion, and an invasive plant infestation. Donations enable us to monitor the aquifer and find solutions to create a sustainable water supply for our community.

Sustainable Growth: Protect Todos Santos is actively involved in the defense of the communities PDU (zoning rules) against unscrupulous developers and the forced changes now being attempted by our Municipal Government in La Paz. By donating, you support a legal defense fund to stop illegal development and uphold the sustainable development rules established by our community over a decade ago.

Community Livelihoods: Out of control development poses a serious threat to our supply of both power and water. The new La Paz PDU proposes growth without investing any money in new infrastructure to support it. It poses a serious threat to real estate values and the livelihoods of residents, businesses, and farmers in the region. Your support will enable us to stop the new PDU and advocate for the new infrastructure and resource conservation to ensure the well-being of our community in the years ahead.

Get Involved

Contact Us

We need your help to protect Todos Santos.
If you observe any violations of the PDU and environmental regulations included on this website, please contact us, and we will investigate your concerns and take appropriate action.

Join Us

We are a group of citizens doing our best to protect our beautiful pueblo. We would love to have your help as we work to fight against illegal development and create more regulation and oversight into our limited natural resources.

Support Us

Your donation will help us stop illegal development, protect our current zoning rules, and fund our efforts to effectively manage our scarce water resources.